瑶品传承自从千年前流传至今嘅瑶族女子养发奥秘,利用天然嘅草本配方同埋浸药护发嘅谂法,嚟为消费者重塑头皮亚健康嘅状态。我哋响瑶族嘅民族特色同草本药方入面拎出祲古朴嘅韵味,再由设计师亲手写低嘅书法字体配合啲药材配色,嚟区分唔同嘅产品线,跟住提炼自得瑶綉先有嘅盘王组合纹路,夹埋响个瘦蜢瘦长嘅细面贴标,带畀消费者一股秀致又古雅嘅气息,同时亦都带畀市场一道嚟自大山瑶里嘅徐风。 YAOPIN inherits the mystery for hair care by the women of Yao nationality form thousands of years ago, using natural herbal formulas and medicinal bath hair care to reshape the sub-health state of the scalp for consumers. We have absorbed its ethnic characteristics and the ancient charm of herbal prescriptions, using handwritten calligraphy fonts and medicinal color schemes by designers to distinguish different product lines. Combined with composite graphics extracted from the unique combination pattern of the king Pan from Yao nationality embroidery, combined with long and small area labeling, we present consumers with a beautiful and elegant atmosphere, and also bring a gentle breeze from the Yao culture in the mountains to the market.
- 项目品牌更新設計、系列設計
- 时间2024年6月
- 参与人员平面設計:俊文
策劃:飞盘 兆麟
美術指導:Holiday Gary