皙奈儿喺一个源自法国面向冚世界嘅功效个护品牌,力求切身解决全球肌肤问题,帮女性创造出细致而愉悦嘅护肤体验。我哋从品牌嘅三大基调“浪漫、愉悦、独立”出发,跟返佢旧阵包装上文字笠堆嘅个种功效感,转成更精致嘅排版,跟住将无衬线字体换成细瘦嘅衬线体,咁就有祲浪漫嘅味,同时我哋将唔同嘅产品线啲技术点擘大笠响啲功效文案上,等视觉上营造出精致嘅氛围,砌成品牌想讲出嚟嘅个种得法国先有嘅慢节奏护肤模式。 SACELLECBEAUTE is a skincare brand originating from France with global benefits, striving to personally solve global skin problems and create a small and pleasant skin rejuvenation experience for women. Starting from the three main themes of "romance, pleasure, and independence" of the brand, we inherited the complex functional sense of the text on the old packaging, transformed it into a more exquisite layout, and replaced the original unbranded fonts with slender wired bodies, bringing out a romantic atmosphere. At the same time, we will stack the technology of the product line on the functional element, creating a delicate and romantic atmosphere table visually, forming the brand's unique French slow paced skin rejuvenation mode that we want to convey.
- 项目品牌設計
- 时间2023年8月
- 参与人员平面設計:Gary
策劃:乐瑶 飞盘