Luha号称喺75%口腔盲区嘅清洁师,所以响我哋做设计嘅开头,首先谂紧嘅喺要点样将佢份功效嚟做视觉化表达。咁我哋就将个logo擘大嚟打造一个年轻化嘅品牌标识形象,并拣咗衬线体嚟丰富字体嘅细节,仲将呢样嘢抌落瓶身同埋洁牙片上。同时,我哋将瓶身搞成个“胶囊”款,咁就易于携带,而个瓶嘅上中下三段式结构,分别喺上盖装水、中盖连住上盖同瓶身,以及装住洁牙片嘅瓶身,咁成个设计就好分工明确,搦惜便携。共同打造一个既有款能解决口腔健康问题嘅专业形象同时,又劲受后生消费者锺意嘅品牌。 Luha claims to be a cleaner for 75% of the blind areas in the mouth, so when we started designing, our first idea was how to visually express the effectiveness of bowel movements. We enlarged the font of the logo to create a youthful brand image, and used suitable lines to enrich the details of the font. We also further integrated it into the bottle body and teeth cleaning tablets. At the same time, we have designed the bottle body in the shape of a "plastic bag" for easy carrying, and the three section structure of the bottle, namely the upper lid for water, the middle lid for connecting the lid and the bottle body, and the bottle body for cleaning teeth, has clear division of labor and is compact and convenient. To jointly create a brand with a professional image that can solve oral health problems and is very popular among young consumers.
- 项目私模設計、LOGO
- 时间2024年7月
- 参与人员平面設計:Gary